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4 săptămâni
Cadru de mers cu roti Rehaforum
390.00 Lei
Cadru de mers cu roti Rehaforum
Magazin on-line specializat in comercializarea produselor ortopedice second-hand import Germania vinde: Cadru de mers cu roti (rollator) este destinat persoanelor cu mobilitate scazuta, echilibru precar, conditie fizica slaba sau deficiente in deplasarea pe picioare sau pentru batrani. Cadrul de ajutor este pliabil facandu-l usor de manevrat/transport...
390.00 Lei
4 săptămâni
Carucior electric Karma Blazer - 6 km/h
6600.00 Lei
Carucior electric Karma Blazer - 6 km/h
Râmnicu Vâlcea
Magazin on-line specializat in comercializarea produselor ortopedice second-hand import Germania vinde: Scaun cu rotile second hand cu comanda pe joystick destinat persoanelor cu handicap si persoanelor cu deficiente locomotorii. Caruciorul electric este conceput pentru a oferi siguranta si confort, si dispune de un sistem de semnalizare si iluminare ...
6600.00 Lei
4 săptămâni
Carucior electric Pride Quantum Lightning
5470.00 Lei
Carucior electric Pride Quantum Lightning
Magazin on-line specializat in comercializarea produselor ortopedice second-hand import Germania vinde: Scaun cu rotile second hand cu comanda pe joystick destinat persoanelor cu handicap si persoanelor cu deficiente locomotorii. Caruciorul electric este conceput pentru a oferi siguranta si confort, si dispune de un sistem de semnalizare si iluminare ...
5470.00 Lei
4 săptămâni
Scaun cu rotile Breezy / latime sezut 43 cm
490.00 Lei
Scaun cu rotile Breezy / latime sezut 43 cm
Magazin on-line specializat in comercializarea produselor ortopedice second-hand import Germania vinde: Carucior handicap second hand pliabil cu detasare rapida a rotilor, destinat deplasarii persoanelor cu handicap locomotor, si cu mobilitate scazuta. Are toate cele 4 roti dotate cu cauciuc plin ( fara camera ) care nu necesita intretinere. Supor...
490.00 Lei
Latief Alhakim
4 săptămâni
Roland DWX-52D 5-Axis Dental Milling Machine
46337.00 Lei
Roland DWX-52D 5-Axis Dental Milling Machine
The next generation of the industry’s best-selling dental mill has kept everything users love, and then made it even better. Reliable, precise and affordable, the DWX-52D 5-Axis Dental Milling Machine now offers better disc handling, more material capabilities, improved tool management and other enhanced features, to deliver even more efficiency. New Medical...
46337.00 Lei
Latief Alhakim
4 săptămâni
Mindray M7 Ultrasound Machine
37161.00 Lei
Mindray M7 Ultrasound Machine
The Mindray M7 is the best selling compact system from Mindray. This system break a bias of Chinese ultrasound systems with great performance, rich feature sets, and available on wide range of applications with numerous transducers. M Turbo and Logig E were chosen due to the brand awareness and a long history; however, with an excellent 2D image quality and ...
37161.00 Lei
Latief Alhakim
4 săptămâni
Automatic Perimeter Kowa AP-7000
37207.00 Lei
Automatic Perimeter Kowa AP-7000
Automated Perimeter Kowa AP-7000, NEW!Automated perimeter for both static and kinetic perimetryNext generation perimeter with the gold standard threshold testThe AP-7000 is Kowas next generation automated perimeter that offers an extensive variety of test strategies and screeningprogrammes. It provides reliable and consistent assessment results due to its no...
37207.00 Lei
Boy William
4 săptămâni
Mindray M7 Ultrasound Machine
8100.00 €
Mindray M7 Ultrasound Machine
The Mindray M7 is the best selling compact system from Mindray. This system break a bias of Chinese ultrasound systems with great performance, rich feature sets, and available on wide range of applications with numerous transducers. M Turbo and Logig E were chosen due to the brand awareness and a long history; however, with an excellent 2D image quality and ...
8100.00 €
Boy William
4 săptămâni
Roland DWX-52D 5-Axis Dental Milling Machine
9550.00 €
Roland DWX-52D 5-Axis Dental Milling Machine
The next generation of the industry’s best-selling dental mill has kept everything users love, and then made it even better. Reliable, precise and affordable, the DWX-52D 5-Axis Dental Milling Machine now offers better disc handling, more material capabilities, improved tool management and other enhanced features, to deliver even more efficiency. New Medical...
9550.00 €
4 săptămâni