998 rezultatele găsite în Servicii, afaceri, echipamente , România
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mihai ghinea
1 an
Magento support and maintenance
123.00 Lei
Magento support and maintenance
We are a certified magento support and maintenance company from UE. Over the past 25 years, we completed development, design, and digital transformations for multiple applications and more then 10 years spent on Magento. As an experiance Magento web agency we offer magento support and maintenance https://obb.ro/Magento-Support-and-Maintenance-Services we a...
123.00 Lei
Lincan Armando
1 an
Infiintare firma SRL
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Infiintare firma SRL
Sector 6
Avocat specializat in Registrul Comertului infiintez societati comerciale SRL SA Etc.Onorariu 1000 de lei Redactare, depunere, adminitere si taxe de Registru incluse.
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mihai ghinea
1 an
Website Automation
49.00 Lei
Website Automation
We can do any website automation that will allow you to have workers at a very small cost. They will not need salary increases and they will work day an night. We cover hosting and support for any website automation keeping your robots technicaly updated. https://www.webradar.ro work with us to discover new potential ways to scale your business workforce.
49.00 Lei
Calin Ferdinando
1 an
mihai ghinea
1 an
Web automation
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Web automation
We provide real time web database automation, data curation, analytics and automated solutions for operations that are currently done manual. We get all the data, every day, and you will call us the friendly robot in your team. http://bonusos.webradar.ro We use selenium scripts, python and php to filter all data
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Urgent Consult
1 an
Infiintare firma in 4 zile
300.00 Lei
Infiintare firma in 4 zile
Infiintare S.R.L. – Societate cu raspundere limitata in doar 4 zile Care este costul total 300 de lei (onorariu) + 200 de lei (notariat) + 122 de lei (taxa registrul comertului) = 622 de lei De ce acte aveti nevoie Carte de identitate si documentul din care sa reiasa ca aveti dreptul sa gazduiti sediul social (act de proprietate, contract de inchiriere e...
300.00 Lei
mihai ghinea
1 an
Website upkeep
123.00 Lei
Website upkeep
We are one wordpress maintenance company from europa. Over the past 30 years, we completed development, design, and digital transformations for multiple wordpress apps, applications and websites . https://obb.ro/wordpress-support-and-maintenance-services We are an experianced wordpress maintenance company offering wordpress support and maintenance as wordpre...
123.00 Lei
Cristian Angel Radu
1 an
Amenajari interioare, gresie, rigips, sanitare si electrice!
50.00 Lei
Amenajari interioare, gresie, rigips, sanitare si electrice!
Firma de design si amenajari interioare executam: Gresie,faianta, rigips, zugraveli, montaj usi, parchet, instalatii sanitare, instalatii electrice, montaj corpuri iluminat si prize, montaj lavoare, wc incastrat, cabine dus etc De ce sa lucrezi cu noi? Suntem profesionisti, orientati catre detalii, seriosi, raspundem pentru lucrarea efectuata, avem preturi o...
50.00 Lei
1 an
mihai ghinea
1 an
Automatic ad posting software
123.00 Lei
Automatic ad posting software
We have one of the best automatic ad posting software, use our services to save time for posting automatic classifieds ads and focus on your business. Our automatic classified ad posting software is improving the services with every new client https://adsautosubmitter.com/ad-posting-software use our automatic classified ad posting software to promote your re...
123.00 Lei
1 an
Lincan Armando
1 an
Creare Magazin online. Pachet Standard
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Creare Magazin online. Pachet Standard
Sector 5
Pachetul Standard: Pachetul nostru de servicii include o serie de funcționalități și beneficii care îți vor ajuta afacerea să se dezvolte online. Consultanță: Oferim consultanță personalizată pentru a te ajuta să îți construiești prezența online și să îți îndeplinești obiectivele de afaceri. Catalog Produse: Putem crea un catalog de produse online pentru afa...
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mihai ghinea
1 an
wordpress maintenance company
49.00 Lei
wordpress maintenance company
We are one wordpress maintenance company from europa. Over the past 30 years, we completed development, design, and digital transformations for multiple wordpress apps, applications and websites . We are an experianced wordpress maintenance company offering wordpress support and maintenance as wordpress maintenance company we are experts in installing wordpr...
49.00 Lei
Urgent Consult
1 an
Preturi infiintare firma / SRL
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Preturi infiintare firma / SRL
Infiintarea unei firme poate sa insemne foarte multa energie investita, dar si timp. Birocratia nu poate sa fie ocolita, mai ales ca sunt procese obligatorii in acest domeniu ce nu pot fi evidate. Infiintarea unei firme necesita indeplinirea mai multor etape, unele ce par complicate la prima vedere. Iar acest aspect apare mai ales pentru antreprenorii la inc...
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mihai ghinea
1 an
Website maintenance packages
123.00 Lei
Website maintenance packages
We are one of the best wordpress maintenance company from europa. Over the past 30 years, we completed development, design, and digital transformations for multiple wordpress apps, applications and websites . https://obb.ro/website-maintenance-packages We are an experianced wordpress maintenance company offering discounts on website maintenance packages as W...
123.00 Lei
1 an
Realizare site de prezentare
1500.00 Lei
Realizare site de prezentare
Sector 4
Creare site de prezentare Beneficiezi de un site de prezentare responsive, vizibil pe toate dispozitivele mobile, articole scrise pentru tine. Intampina vizitatorii cu un magazin modern, design personalizat in functie de nevoile tale. Pachete atractive creare site de prezentare in functie de cat vrei sa investesti. Nu fac rabat de la calitate. Alege sa colab...
1500.00 Lei
Bogdan Constantinescu
1 an
Creare website-uri si grafica
300.00 €
Creare website-uri si grafica
Oferim servicii de webdesign in Wordpress si alte platforme de tip CMS pe server compatibil cPanel (ceea ce va aduce avantaje de administrare pe cont propriu dupa lucrare), crearea de website-uri (prezentare/shop) de la zero sau blog-uri si consultanta in cumpararea de domeniu de internet si pachete de hosting. Puteti consulta intreg portofoliul de lucrari l...
300.00 €
1 an
Cabluri ridicare inima metalica
1.00 €
Cabluri ridicare inima metalica
Total Race Romania comercializeaza sufe de otel macara stoc , cabluri macara cu masoane talurit , cabluri metalice pentru macara, sufe de ridicare din cabluri otel , dispozitive cablu ridicare , dispozitive cablu ancorare , sufa tractiune din otel , sufa metalica tractiune , dispozitive ridicare si ancorare din cabluri stoc livrare imediata , sufe metalice b...
1.00 €
mihai ghinea
1 an
website maintenance services
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website maintenance services
We can hire our website maintenance services from europa. Over the past 30 years, we completed development, design, and digital transformations for multiple wordpress drupal and agento applications. We are a experianced website maintenance services and web development company. https://obb.ro/website-maintenance-services Our website maintenance services are ...
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mihai ghinea
1 an
Ad posting software
123.00 Lei
Ad posting software
We have the best ad posting software, user ad posting services to save time for posting ads and focus on your business. Our ad submitter services uses our ad posting software and is improving the quality with every new client https://adsautosubmitter.com/ad-posting-software use our ad posting software services to promote your financial credit ads for your fi...
123.00 Lei