247 rezultatele găsite în Servicii diverse, Bucureşti
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Lincan Armando
1 an
mihai ghinea
1 an
Locatii teambuilding
123.00 Lei
Locatii teambuilding
Daca vrei sa gasesti locatii teambuilding in Romania pentru a desfasura activitati de tot felul de la escape rooms la jocuri de echipa precum fotbal baschet sau cursuri de actorie. Intra pe teamsradar si ai reduceri la activitati de grup dar si softuri specializate de teambuilding. Intra acum pe https://teamsradar.ro ca sa ai access la cele mai noi aplicatii...
123.00 Lei
mihai ghinea
1 an
wordpress webmaster
123.00 Lei
wordpress webmaster
We can hire wordpress webmaster from europa. Over the past 20 years, we completed development, design, and digital transformations for multiple wordpress applications. We are an experianced wordpress webmaster web agency offering wordpress support and maintenance as webmaster we are good in creating websites installing plugins installing themes
123.00 Lei
mihai ghinea
1 an
Classified ad posting software
123.00 Lei
Classified ad posting software
We have one of the best classified ad posting software, use our services to save time for posting classifieds ads and focus on your business. Our classified ad posting software is improving the services with every new client https://adsautosubmitter.com/ad-posting-software use our classified ad posting software to promote your financial credit ads for your f...
123.00 Lei
mihai ghinea
1 an
website maintenance and support services
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website maintenance and support services
We are one website maintenance and support services from europa. Over the past 30 years, we completed development, design, and digital transformations for multiple websites and applications in joomla drupal wordpress and a lot of open sources platforms. We are an experianced web agency offering website maintenance and support services https://obb.ro our web...
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mihai ghinea
1 an
Drupal support and maintenance
123.00 Lei
Drupal support and maintenance
Sector 1
We are a certified drupal support and maintenance company from UE. Over the past 25 years, we completed development, design, and digital transformations for multiple applications and more then 10 years spent on Drupal. As an experiance Drupal web agency we offer drupal support and maintenance https://obb.ro/drupal-support-and-maintenance-services we are ex...
123.00 Lei
1 an
Preluari firme cu datorii.
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Preluari firme cu datorii.
Avocat Preiau firme cu datorii la Anaf, Furnizori, Salariati ITM etc. 100% legal. Actele se redacteaza si se depun la Registrul Comertului. www.preluari.eu 0725 970 380
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mihai ghinea
1 an
Drupal maintenance services
49.00 Lei
Drupal maintenance services
We are a certified drupal maintenance services company from UE. Over the past 23 years, we completed development, design, and digital transformations for multiple applications and more then 10 years spent on Drupal. As an experiance Drupal maintenance services we offer drupal support and maintenance https://obb.ro/drupal-support-and-maintenance-services we...
49.00 Lei
mihai ghinea
1 an
Ad submitter software
123.00 Lei
Ad submitter software
We have one of the best ad submitter software, user our services to save time for submitting ads and focus on your business. Our ad posting software uses our ad submitter software for improving the ad posting services with every new client https://adsautosubmitter.com use our ad submitter software services to promote your financial credit ads for your financ...
123.00 Lei
Razvan Petre
1 an
Firme de vanzare
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Firme de vanzare
Sector 2
Vindem firme / societati comerciale cu activitate si cu profit. Unele dintre ele au vechime de peste 10 ani. www.vandfirme.ro Sunt si firme cu datorii si fara datorii la Anaf Daca doriti sa deveniti prorietarul unei companii, cea mai buna solutie este sa luati una care deja are profit, decat sa va chinuiti cu o firma abia infiintata. Daca doriti mai multe d...
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1 an
BULDOEXCAVATOR BOBCAT Miniexcavator Corbeanca Otopeni Balotesti Snagov
100.00 Lei
BULDOEXCAVATOR BOBCAT Miniexcavator Corbeanca Otopeni Balotesti Snagov
Oferim excavatii generale si sapaturi fundatii blocuri, case, sapaturi pentru canalizare, apa si lumina, excavari piscine, santuri pentru conducte de gaze/apa/canalizare, gropi pentru beciuri si fose, decopertare strat vegetal,etc. Executam sapaturi mecanizate: ° fundatii case, garduri; ° santuri pentru canalizare; ° alimentare cu apa; ° fibra optica, cablur...
100.00 Lei
Lincan Armando
1 an
Lincan Armando
1 an
Creare Magazin online. Pachet Premium
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Creare Magazin online. Pachet Premium
Sector 3
Pachetul premium contine:Catalog ProduseAdministrare ProduseFunctie de CautareFiltrare produseProduse cu variatiiFormular ContactDesign PersonalizatPlati Card BancarOptimizare Mobil & TabletaSistem Live ChatConectare Retele SocialeTutoriale de administrarePanou AdministrareLogo gratuitDomeniu si host inclusCertificat SSLCompatibil GDPRIncarcare produse 1...
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Lincan Armando
1 an
Infiintare firma SRL
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Infiintare firma SRL
Sector 6
Avocat specializat in Registrul Comertului infiintez societati comerciale SRL SA Etc.Onorariu 1000 de lei Redactare, depunere, adminitere si taxe de Registru incluse.
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mihai ghinea
1 an
Magento support and maintenance
123.00 Lei
Magento support and maintenance
We are a certified magento support and maintenance company from UE. Over the past 25 years, we completed development, design, and digital transformations for multiple applications and more then 10 years spent on Magento. As an experiance Magento web agency we offer magento support and maintenance https://obb.ro/Magento-Support-and-Maintenance-Services we a...
123.00 Lei
mihai ghinea
1 an
Website Automation
49.00 Lei
Website Automation
We can do any website automation that will allow you to have workers at a very small cost. They will not need salary increases and they will work day an night. We cover hosting and support for any website automation keeping your robots technicaly updated. https://www.webradar.ro work with us to discover new potential ways to scale your business workforce.
49.00 Lei
mihai ghinea
1 an
Website upkeep
123.00 Lei
Website upkeep
We are one wordpress maintenance company from europa. Over the past 30 years, we completed development, design, and digital transformations for multiple wordpress apps, applications and websites . https://obb.ro/wordpress-support-and-maintenance-services We are an experianced wordpress maintenance company offering wordpress support and maintenance as wordpre...
123.00 Lei
mihai ghinea
1 an
Automatic ad posting software
123.00 Lei
Automatic ad posting software
We have one of the best automatic ad posting software, use our services to save time for posting automatic classifieds ads and focus on your business. Our automatic classified ad posting software is improving the services with every new client https://adsautosubmitter.com/ad-posting-software use our automatic classified ad posting software to promote your re...
123.00 Lei
1 an
Lincan Armando
1 an
Creare Magazin online. Pachet Standard
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Creare Magazin online. Pachet Standard
Sector 5
Pachetul Standard: Pachetul nostru de servicii include o serie de funcționalități și beneficii care îți vor ajuta afacerea să se dezvolte online. Consultanță: Oferim consultanță personalizată pentru a te ajuta să îți construiești prezența online și să îți îndeplinești obiectivele de afaceri. Catalog Produse: Putem crea un catalog de produse online pentru afa...
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